About makerslegacy.com

Makerslegacy.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates, designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to affiliates’ websites such as Amazon.com.  We are committed to finding, researching, and recommending the best products. We earn commissions from purchases you make using the retail links in our product reviews.

If you choose to click, the URL will contain a small code that identifies links from our website and lets the affiliate partner or retailer know to send us a referral fee. This does not mean we are bound to Amazon’s affiliate partner, nor does it lead us to favor some products or companies over others.

Our product reviews are prepared independently by our editors, without direction from our affiliate partners or retailers. Our editorial team is not responsible for monetizing the content and does not work directly with any advertisers.

Our team spends hours and days researching the products and only pick products we think are worth your time and money. Our editors are experts in their fields and make personalized recommendations based on reviews, ratings, brand recognition, features, pricing, value and much more. Featured/recommended products are picked in various ways: expert recommendations, user reviews on Amazon, brand reputations and sales stats.

Our posts contain affiliate links, and if you buy something, we get a small commission AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU.